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What's In It For Me?

Writer's picture: Grantley MorrisGrantley Morris

You are right to reject a religion that’s a list of dos and don’ts, or a gathering of dour-faced, self-righteous Bible thumpers. Jesus would reject it too. Anything Jesus is involved in is vibrant, liberating, compassionate, powerful and supernatural.

People dismiss Christianity on the basis of an outsider’s glance, like a little boy certain he will always hate being kissed. Knowing Jesus is more wonderful than the uninitiated could dream.

All yearning is a yearning for Jesus, discovered someone enjoying the ultimate adventure. The love, excitement, challenge, fulfillment and understanding we crave are found in the One who made us.

Jesus likened the Christian spiritual experience to buried treasure. Millions walk past it, never suspecting the wonders that lie below the surface. Anyone who makes the discovery, however, would eagerly trade for it everything they had previously treasured, like trading trinkets for truckloads of diamonds.

To attempt description of the benefits of spiritual union with Jesus sounds as hollow and self-centered as listing receiving a gold ring as a benefit of marrying the most wonderful person. It’s like dissecting the most exquisite, priceless flower and offering the individual parts to the highest bidder. Moreover, it sounds like hype – just too good to be believable. This is to be expected. We were made to enjoy the God who made us, so it is hardly surprising that a relationship with him will fulfill our deepest longing. Nevertheless, it still sounds too good to be true.

Here’s a few of the consequences of being united to the One we were made for:

The excitement of living life on the edge, as God takes you beyond what you are humanly capable of.

Divine power to love the unlovable, to break destructive habits, to resist peer pressure and to control such weaknesses as temper, greed, and selfishness.

Being on the winning side – the obvious consequence of having in your life the God of infinite power and infinite wisdom.

The ultimate security of knowing you are forever loved and that nothing – not even death - can rob you of its endless joys.

The knowledge that you are of the greatest importance to the most important Person in the universe.

Having as your best friend the Person who not only sympathizes but knows your every weakness and triumph, your every thought, your every experience since the moment of your conception, your darkest secret, your fondest dream, and is committed to you with unswerving devotion.

A life that is highly demanding and challenging, with the greatest power in existence willing you and empowering you to achieve.

A brand new start in life.

The thrill of knowing you can now achieve things of eternal significance.

Involvement in the greatest conceivable good. Reaching your highest potential. Finding and fulfilling your reason for being born. Living life to the full.

Entry into the spiritual dimension. Supernatural dreams, visions, miracles, angelic visitations and other amazing spiritual experiences are possibilities.

Being at peace with God. No longer running from reality.

The lifelong opportunity to love and thank the Giver of every good and beautiful thing everyone has ever enjoyed.

The freedom to look in the mirror and know that no matter what your past, you are now pure in the eyes of the holy God.

Knowing that God is working within you and in your circumstances to make you more and more like Jesus.

Answers to prayer.

Joy and peace and fulfillment, each of which are so far beyond what anything else offers that it defies description.

Deliverance from the endless torment of hell.

Not even all God’s incomparable gifts, however, reach the ecstasy of enjoying and knowing intimately the most exciting Person in the universe. He is so special that falling in love with God is the inevitable consequence of truly knowing him.


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Not to be sold. © Copyright, Grantley Morris, 1985-1996, 2011, 2018 For much more by the same author, see No part of these writings may be sold, and no part may be copied without citing this entire paragraph.
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