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Prayer Motivation

Writer's picture: Grantley MorrisGrantley Morris

Updated: Jan 10



Life’s too short to skimp on prayer!


More Power!


More faith-building, uplifting thoughts to inspire your prayer life.You want to pray more. Here’s the help, inspiration and encouragement you need.






As long as God, the Genius running my life, knows what he is doing, I can tolerate being mystified. Even if he told me, there are sure to be aspects of God’s wisdom beyond my intellectual grasp. Moreover, it could be dark in the nest because God is hatching something. It might be humility (better to be blind-folded by God than blinded by arrogance), it might be faith or patience, but when God keeps us in the dark, something good is incubating.


Too often, however, we remain ignorant for a less profound reason: we have not bothered to ask. The possibility of hearing from the Lord seems too remote to warrant the effort of genuine prayer.


I am like the prodigal’s brother in Jesus’ parable. (Luke 15:29-31) ‘The father doesn’t give me so much as a kid,’ I almost grumble, forgetting that guidance, revelation - everything the Father has - is mine for the asking.


‘Ask ... seek,’ said Jesus. Dare I ignore his plea? How else can I know whether I should work harder or sleep longer; study engineering or needle-work; live off widow’s tithe’s or support myself?






‘If you don’t spare your people, Lord, I don’t want to live,’ cried Moses. (Exodus 32:10,32 paraphrase) Does that mirror the intensity of your prayers? A half-hearted request invites a half-hearted reply.


We must pray like the widow badgering the judge, and the neighbor hammering the door in the dead of night until receiving the thing desired. (Luke 11:5-10; 18:1-7)


The Lord has written a blank check for his children: ‘Keep asking, [‘...present tense, which indicates continuous, persistent prayer.’ - France, p 144, confirmed by Hendriksen, p 362, Gaebelein, p 186, Amplified Bible, etc. Proof that this is exactly what Jesus meant is found in the context in which it appears in Luke (Luke 11:5-10) and further supported by his parable in Luke 18:1-8] and you shall receive ...’ (Matthew 7:7) That’s his holy vow to you - the unbreakable promise of the unchangeable Lord. Our sole requirement is to keep asking. The only way our Savior could constrain us without desecrating his sacred oath would be by curbing our desires so that we don’t keep asking. The mere existence of a strong desire indicates that its fulfillment is inevitable, if it drives us to persist in relentless faith and prayer.



Break the drought


In the 1850s, Jeremiah Lanphier gave up his business and walked the streets of New York, his heart throbbing with a divine obsession. He distributed leaflets inviting people to attend an hour-long prayer meeting. No one turned up. Half an hour late, someone arrived, followed by five others. Next week, twenty came. Within six months they were meeting daily, and the number had risen to ten thousand. People were being saved. Diverse denominations were working together in unity. Revival sparks flew to other parts of the nation. In two years over a million converts were added to the churches and a further million church-attenders revived.


What if, twenty-nine minutes into that first prayer meeting, Lanphier had left in despair?


Elijah prayed for rain. Not a cloud in sight. He prayed again. Nothing. Six times he prayed. Six times there was no response.


Time to implement plan B. This is how it went: if prayer doesn’t work after six times, try seven.


Israel got wet.


God’s chosen were in a desert facing starvation. And it was God’s doing. The Lord later revealed he had engineered it to see what his people were made of. (Deuteronomy 8:2-3) Would they fall into faithless despair, or would they muster faith and declare, ‘Somehow, some way, God will bring us through’?


Unlike the Israelites, we may not be in a life-threatening situation, but our ministry hopes could be staring at death. We’re wasting in a wilderness where through sickness or whatever, there’s not a crust of ministry to be found. This is not the time to crumple in a whimpering mass. This is our moment of glory. It’s the time to display our faith to the entire spirit-world, declaring, ‘God is the God of the impossible! Somehow, some way he will fulfill my heart’s desire.’


The Spirit can thrust us into a wilderness for testing as he did Jesus. But like Jesus and through Jesus we can emerge Spirit-filled and burst into ministry.


In Christ, our possibilities would blow the circuits of anyone’s imagination. Let’s not succumb before discovering at least a fraction of the astounding things God can do through us.


Remember Elijah and pray up a storm. Remember Lanphier and never walk away.





The last time I flirted with danger was when I decided against a double knot to tie my shoelace. I have a heart of gold - yellow to the core. Yet Christ died that I might rule. Yield to my old nature and I cower; yield to my Christ-bought nature and I conquer.


Fear will come. I can’t avoid it, but through Christ I need not bow to it. Victor or victim: it’s my decision.


The tragedy is that we are often enslaved by forces that are meant to be our slaves. Rather than being tyrannized by fear, we should rise up and let it serve us. Fear’s duty is to impel us to prayer. Deprived of this faithful servant we might foolishly expose ourselves to danger without activating God’s wall of safety.


Ensure your plans are in the will of God. Then list every fearful possibility. Pray through each point for as long as it takes to muster the faith that God has taken control. Now you have divine protection, the highest conceivable security. Fear has done its work. Bid it farewell. Like a naughty puppy, fear may still tag along, but ignore it. Reciting the fear-crushing promises of Scripture, fix your eyes on the goal and stride toward it.


Waiting for fear to fade before advancing is like Peter waiting for the lake to evaporate before stepping out of the boat. Faith is the defeat of fear - not usually by fear’s removal, but by moving us to proceed despite fear’s yelps.


All of heaven is on red alert when you follow Father’s orders. Help is a prayer away. Heaven’s resources - infinitely more than you will ever require - are available the instant you need them. (Matthew 21:12-19; Luke 10:19; 21:12-19) As you march forward in obedience success is certain.



Impossibilities Cringe in Defeat


If it involved just God and us, ministry would be complex. Yet this is complicated many times over by the involvement of other people and even demonic powers. Nevertheless, every impediment to service will break under the weight of stubborn, faith- filled prayer. It may take days, months or years, but it will happen - provided we don’t let doubt, disobedience or bitterness sap our prayers of power.


Christians are surrounded by serious problems. For us, problems have to be serious - if they smiled we’d see they have no teeth.


Spiritually enthroned in heaven with Christ, we have instant access to the Father. Though evil forces of incredible power impinge upon us, resident within us is One greater than the combined forces of hell. (1 John 4:4) So we are never helpless pawns in a battle between spiritual superpowers. And divine omnipotence doesn’t sag when adversaries take human form or merge with psychological factors. The origin of our difficulties may be outside us, but not, in Christ, outside our sphere of influence.


We serve a God in whose presence impossibilities cringe in defeat. Our mighty Lord can manipulate Satan like a puppet. Rest in the love of God, and a hostile world becomes a feather-bed. ‘You meant if for evil, but God meant it for good’ (Compare Genesis 50:20) describes every calamity we could ever face. (Romans 8:28)


The Kingdom needs prayer warriors, not prayer worriers. No matter how much you cry, beg, and wish, you have not moved from superstition to authentic Christian prayer until you can thank God for the answer, knowing it is yours before you hold it in your hand. Faith is not thinking that God can; it is knowing that he will. (Mark 11:24; James 1:5-8)


You will see it when you believe it.


Hold on. Victory is certain.




Jesus chided the Pharisees for using service as an excuse for neglecting family responsibilities. (Matthew 15:3-5) Though sacrificial giving is a magnificent vocation, (Eg, Romans 12:6,8; 2 Corinthians 9:12-13; Philippians 4:17-18; Hebrews 13:16) it becomes a grotesque perversion when it leaves one’s family in need. (1 Timothy 5:8) To deny oneself is commendable, but to thrust impoverishment upon unwilling family members is to leave God’s blessing behind. A love of good works must not eclipse a love for people. Labor without love, is a torch without light; a fire without warmth.


The principle is further demonstrated by Scripture’s directive to marriage partners. A zeal for prayer and self-denial, it implies, must not be allowed to overshadow marital obligations. (1 Corinthians 7:5) Even prayer can become a monster.


If people are of value only in so far as they further our ministry opportunities, most people are trash. To give them so much as a grunt is to waste your precious time. But if the measure of people’s worth is the price Christ paid for their friendship, then you are surrounded by people of incomprehensible value. To do the tiniest thing for the least of them is an enormous privilege. Grasp this and you will discover that unless you are marooned alone on an island (and even then you can worship and intercede), you are constantly inundated with ministry opportunities. Whenever you meet someone, think to God, ‘How may I show this person your love?’ Anything could happen. You might end up being a little friendlier or breathing a five second intercessory prayer. By some measures the result may seem small, but for a few moments you have allowed yourself to be a critical link in a flood of love from Almighty God to a person of infinite importance. That’s an honor of the highest order.






In Argentina, around-the-clock pray-ers do battle in what is possibly one of the most powerful centers of prayer earth has seen. Some independent observers have concluded that it is bolts from this continual prayer storm that fuel the massive Argentine revival and spill over to the rest of the world. The participants are 2,000 prisoners.



Though offered with the best intentions, much sentimental waffle is sometimes uttered about returning to one’s ‘first love’, as if the starry-eyed euphoria of new Christians is greater than the mature depths of your average older Christian. Poppycock! Most spiritual honeymooners are radiant primarily because they think they have entered a blissful world of near-perfect Christians, instant answers to selfish prayers and a life forever free from pain, heartache and trials. Theirs is most likely mere puppy love, relative to the ardor moving you to tough it out.




How would you like to amass so much wealth that you could educate 122,683 children; buy 282,000 Bibles and one and a half million New Testaments; give away 112 million books, pamphlets and tracts; support hundreds of missionaries; and feed, clothe and house 10,000 children from the time they were orphaned until becoming independent? George Muller did. And he achieved this not by sweat and business acumen, not by garage sales and mailing lists, not by borrowing or asking for help, but solely by faith and prayer. He refused to let his needs be known to anyone but God. Fifty times in just one two-year period there were insufficient funds to see them through the day, yet what was needed always came in time.




Unbelieving prayer is wasted prayer.




Listen to Psalm 13. This dirge opens with, ‘How long will you forget me, Lord? Forever?’ With similar moans in the next few verses, the ancient blues singer continues his sob story. Then, just when we know where he is heading, he suddenly slams his song into reverse and declares, ‘I will sing unto the Lord, for he has dealt bountifully with me.’ The tail end of that little psalm looks as out of place as a fan of peacock feathers on the end of a pig. Yet no matter how odd it seems, psalm after psalm confirms that we can mingle praise with our pain. These inspired prayers prove that our Lord wants us to vent on him our grief and frustration. He wants honesty, not denial, and still he wants our praise.




Have you read The Cross and the Switchblade? The whole story - Teen Challenge, the conversion of Nicky Cruz and countless manifestations of God’s power - hinged on David Wilkerson’s decision to sharpen his use of time. He substituted prayer for television-viewing.






This entire webpage is excerpts from Waiting For Your Ministry: The Quest For Fulfillment. This book is not about prayer. The title describes its thrust. So why does prayer get a mention? Because it’s difficult to talk for long about the exciting life Christ has given us without mentioning prayer.


You can be inspired, comforted, uplifted, transformed by a gripping, yet deeply moving book that broaches so many vital subjects with grace and passion. It’s a full-length book, available free to internet users. The excerpts do not do justice to the scope, bursts of humor, and faint glimpses of God’s beauty in this unique book.




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Not to be sold. © Copyright, Grantley Morris, 1985-1996, 2011, 2018 For much more by the same author, see No part of these writings may be sold, and no part may be copied without citing this entire paragraph.
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